Monday, December 26, 2011

Who Cares (Really and other Strange Tastes)???

Some people might not give a damn about art or particularly what I am doing here...or, perhaps they think its weird or curious based on some level of general acceptance of things "different" in the visual sphere.  Media has successfully dominated our minds by dictating to us what is acceptable and what is not.  The fact that LMFAO is a multimillion dollar industry right now while I have $0 (for real), doesn't make me sad, but it makes me happy.  Why?  I never set out to make money per se, only if it was going to help me use my art to help others somehow.  Perhaps I'm just stupid, but I hope that the world isn't just about "might makes right" or some basic biological reasoning for our survivability.  I do believe that there is a day in the Sun for all things, so let there be light in 2012.  If you're reading this, I hope you have the light you seek in this coming year as well.