Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hermann Finsterlin, Earthships, Gaudi, Eco-Baroque and Visionary Architecture

Not too many people know who Hermann Finsterlin was/is.  For me, he is one of the greatest visionary architects I know of.  I just love the simplicity of his design and the German Bauhausesque off-shoot aspects that lean towards a more baroque sense of modernist, expressionist form and function.  Actually, he never realized his ideas beyond sculpture and drawings on paper to my knowledge.

However, Micheal Reynolds' Earthships are uncannily similar to Finsterlin's designs.  Not sure if Michael Reynolds was influenced by Finsterlin or if it is just coincidence, or in my mind.  I believe there is a correlation of some kind, accidental or intentional, or otherwise.  It relates in general to what seems to have been exemplified in the organic, baroque genius of Antonin Gaudi in terms of modern vision in architecture.  Furthermore, Eco-construction is the next "big thing" in my mind as world economies force us to greater independence and interdependence.  We'll be forced to preserve more than consume resources.  I dream to live in a house of "garbage" that would knock anyone's socks off, a house that is green, made of recycled materials and off the grid.

This is the nature of visionary architecture becoming a reality as 2012 brings the future to now at at theater nearest you.  Just imagine all those plastic water bottles could be made into stairs or tables to eat on or?...Think before you vote and eat your veggies.